* Protect your good idea - Consult with an attorney, then do the paperwork yourself, its easy. Start by applying for a trademark or a provisional patent application.
* Find funding - Remember that old saying "it takes money to make money"? Its true! but be careful, be charge up your credit card, consider taking on a partner who will give you money in exchange for part ownership. Come up with a plan that shows how you'll spend the money and how you'll earn it back.
* Sell, sell, sell - Make sure you have a pitch no one can refuse. Be confident. When you're making deal with someone, ask yourself, "What's in it for them?"
* Multitask - Carry your proposal wherever you go, soccer games, the supermarket. You never know where your next sale will turn up. And have a good story everyone loves that.
* Find a mentor - Having someone who's "been there and done that" can get through tough times. You're bound to face setbacks, but with a good product, belief in yourself and hard work, you will succeed.
These are excellent tips. Especially in our economic changes. People are in need of any kind of positive affirmations and tips when they are applying for a new job or position:)
good job frend..
don't forget to visit my blog too..
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Good info, I will recommend this to everyone I knew seeking employment. thanks for dropping by.
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