Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Times Is Precious Get Use Of It

Time is always been flying like crazy look what month and date is today. We are in the month of August already summer is almost over again and fall will be here before we know it and class will be started again here in America. The year 2011 is almost over and we need to evaluate what are things that we have accomplished and things that we have not done yet that we are planning to do this year.
Time is really precious and we have to use it wisely and productively. If we are sitting and relaxing all the time we are wasting our time big time. It is nice to relax and sit once in a while to have a relaxation in life. But we need to work hard too so that we can get by or get ahead in life unless you have the money or you are financially wealthy and stable already that you can relax all the time.
Most of us are striving to get ahead of life we need to find ways to live and survive especially that we are in the time of our economic crisis. We need to remember that even the very rich and successful person in this universe they always value their time and use of it while they can so that they can get more and get what they want and how much more to the people like us that we don't have that much and we are just wasting time to the things that are not so important and we are not productive because we are not doing that we suppose to be doing to become productive. 
I think we need to use our time wisely and productively so that we can get ahead of life. Sometimes we do blame anybody of what we are that we can’t have what we need and wants in life. But we can’t it is our choice and our decision of who we are and what we become. We need to work hard and use our time wisely so that we can get what we need and if there is extra our wants.
Usually we want our life easier or easy money but life is not that way. The people that are successful they work hard first before they reach to their position or what they have. They use their time and knowledge to get ahead of life. Nobody get rich instantly unless they inherited their richness from their parents or win something. We need to remember that we need to use our time wisely and productively and use what is left this year and be better next year.

1 comment:

SeaSpray said...

So true! And the thing about time ...we can never go back. We have this moment and our future.

Great post. Thanks! :)

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