The reasons why I am smiling:
1. I am contented with what I am and what I have.
2. I am married to my hubby who is very loving, thoughtful and very understanding.
3. I am blessed with a good and loving family.
4. I am healthy and every faculty that I have functioned accordingly.
5. I have a very supportive friends here.
6. I am always in close contact 24 hours a day with my mom,sister, brothers and friends in the Philippines.
7. My family is in good health....thank you God.
8. I met so many wonderful friends through blogging.
9. I can rest and work according to a schedule that I am comfortable with.
10.I am excited that it is almost Christmas.
Wheeww......I thought I run out of reasons. So glad I made it to 10. LOL!

This award was given to me by Amiable Amy. I got my share of belonging in this category. Not because I am sexy ( how I wish ) but because, like most of the blogger, I stay home a lot and got to use my power to make my home pleasant to live. Thanks a lot Amiable Amy. Do visit her blog, she got a lot of stories to tell .

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