Friday, July 16, 2010

Lets Talk Gloves And Safety Equipment

Work gloves are not just for those who work in an industrial job anymore. Work gloves are used by many of us while we work around the house or while we play. There are so many different brands and styles to choose from, it can be overwhelming when deciding what is right. This is where one of the top manufacturers has tried to help make your decision making easier. Magid Glove & Safety Manufacturing Company LLC has introduced on their website a selection guide to narrow down your choices by glove type, cuff type and leather type. They have twelve pages of leather gloves for you to choose from including a clearance section for those of us on a budget.

You ask do they only sell leather gloves, the answer is no. The Magid Glove & Safety Manufacturing Company LLC also carries a wide selection of safety equipment ranging from head and face protection, hearing protection, respirators, eye protection, clothing, first aid supplies, fall protection, emergency response gear, ergonomics and facilities maintenance supplies. They have been in business since 1946 and understand the business. Safety is something more of us should think about both at work and in our home lives. And Magid Glove & Safety Manufacturing Company LLC has made it easy for you.

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