Saturday, May 16, 2009

Safety Tips For Spring And Summer

* Drowning is the leading cause of accidental death - Supervise closely for children age 1 to 4 and alert kids to the dangers of going near pool drains, whether covered or not.

* Lawn mowing is an adults only activity - Never permit a child to be a passenger on a ride on mower.

* Teach your child to let sleeping dogs lie - As well as dog or any other animals that are chained, eating or with their babies.

* Never leave your child unattended in a car - Even with the windows down.

* Make sure your child knows the stop drop and roll drill - In the event her clothes catch on fire and don't let kids handle fireworks.

* Summer bike riding - One of childhoods greatest pleasures but never let your child do it without a helmet.

* Store pesticides in a locked cabinet or garden shed - Remove children pets and toys from the area before using them.

* Don't leave garden tools - Where kids can play with or step on them. Besides leaving a nasty wound, a dirty tool can introduce the tetanus bacteria.

* Keep kids away from the grill when cooking - Store in a locked cabinet along with lighter fluid, electric starter and charcoal.

* Don't let kids play in the driveway - Ask all drivers or adults to get out and check the children before backing up. A small children can't be seen in the rear view mirror.

1 comment:

Mharms said...

Very helpful. Good guides for the kids too.

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